We are ambassadors for security solutions

Welcome to Seifuvos Prekyba international page! We are in the process of updating our product catalog! If you have any questions - please contact us via form at the bottom of this page. Thank you!

Solutions of mechanical security and locking systems - our forte!

We are ambassadors for security solutions

Large selection of high quality locks, cylinders, safes, and door handles.

ATTENTION! The prices quoted on the website are indicative and are valid for a limited number of items. For specific products, contact by using the contacts listed on the website

We are ambassadors for security solutions

We are the only manufacturers of safes and other security elements in Lithuania recognized worldwide. That is why we can work directly with manufacturers of other products, and we always offer our customers the best solutions for them based on their needs.

That is why Seifuvos prekyba is the Ambassador of Security in Lithuania and in Europe!






Our most important

Distinctive features


We are the only manufacturer of world class safes and other security related solutions in Lithuania. Our credibility is not only measured not only by sales across Europe, but also recognized with certificates


We directly represent the biggest European and global manufacturers of locks, handles, and fittings, because we have their trust, furthermore, as we are a manufacturer, we easily find a common language with professionals in our fields.


Our size, team expertise, professionalism, and the nature of the manufacturer give us a very wide range of options to offer the customer the optimal solution in terms of conditions, service, range, and price.

/We represent

The manufacturers that

We represent

Seifuvos prekyba is a safes, doors, and locks sales division of Taurakalnis PJSC. The company was established in 1991. Since 1993 it has been developing two lines of business, first one – food production, banquets and parties, and second one – sales of safes, locks, and doors. Since 2008 the activities of this division have become closely related to the activities of Seifuva PJSC. Various activities under the same name brought confusion, therefore we started using trademark Seifuvos prekyba.

©2025 Seifuvosprekyba.lt UAB “Taurakalnis”.